Friday, April 11, 2014

The sun king cometh and the ice man goeth.

Hi Carolyn,

Hopefully winter is finally leaving where you are. It's doing so here in a manner that is both  cool and impressive. Yesterday I woke up and looked out over the bay at about 9 am.  Almost mid-April and the white sheet of ice was still there right across. 

 However, the wind was up, blowing out into Georgian Bay and the temperature was finally heading for the fifties and sixties. All the weather dominoes were lining up for a big change.

 I happened to look out across the bay again at about noon and the ice was simply gone! Pretty impressive since the bay is a couple of miles wide where I was looking.  We've seen this before but not too frequently in the last decade so we were caught somewhat unawares. Hopefully none of those hard-core ice fishing fans got caught.

Same thing is happening around the property. Things have been melting and seeping away quickly and exposing stuff around here that I'd forgotten about or simply never thought I had. It reminded me about one part of the Serpent Bearer series that appeared on this very same website sometime back - the ice gets melted and amazing things appear.

Kitchen-wise, its not in yet but there has been, as Hamlet once said, " ...a very palpable hit." As well as the sweet flooring that I was on about last time, we now have cupboards and counters. The appliances are next. They are in the building but not installed. It would all have gone in at once but we like to be masters of our own renovation fate to a certain extent.

My LSBH and I rented a big derriere trailer last week and drove a couple of hours across Ontario just above the GTA ( Greater Toronto Area ) to this monster appliance store where she had purchased a monstrous number of appliances. Then we  hauled them back and implored our friends to drop over and socialize whilst unloading appliances. I do believe we are getting too old for this kind of gung-ho, set up a household stuff .

So I can't yet relate the satisfaction of sitting back with a tea or coffee and musing quietly on the multitude of efforts that were made to bring things to fruition . When I do get to do so you will be among the first to know, however.

Also, it seems that I can't send any pics that I had taken about this part of the odyssey.  In fact, the pictorial part of things seems to be frozen here right now.

What I do have to offer though is a riddle.

Impetuous when I'm hot
Ruthless when I'm cold
I don't succeed
Unless I get around



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