Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Free Story for the Correct Answer

Riddles are popular word plays that help children learn language. They are also a historical archive of cultures around the world and appear in Greek plays as well as the Bible. J.R.R. Tolkien revived riddles as literature in his book, The Hobbit, which is how we got started.

So just what is a riddle: A phrase, a statement, or even a question that is a puzzle begging to be solved. Most riddles are word puns and their effectiveness relies solely on how the Riddler is able to control and manipulate language. Don is a master at word manipulation. Watch out!

So here is the challenge:

Solve the riddle, put your answer in the comments section, and if you are correct, I'll gift you a free story from the archives of Wormhole Electric.

No tricks, no strings attached, no invites to be part of a great something-or-other. 

Just a riddle, just a solution, just a prize.

We'll be doing this Riddling Contest for a free story off and on for the next couple of months. Participate as often as you want.

Both Don and I hope you enjoy the riddles as much as we have loved stumping each other.

Have a great week!


The Riddle for this week: 
Found deep in forests, back yards and decks
Laden with delight for the pallet
Sturdy enough for multiple elbows
Birth place of splinters

Remember, put your answer in the comments section and I'll get back to you!  

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