Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dr. Who and The golden Rule

Good morning, Don and everyone!

We’re having a bit of cloud with possible snow flurries today. Thankfully, it is nothing like the storm that hit New Mexico and Texas. Sounds like this one is from you, Don! Turn-about is fair play I guess.

This week my husband and I have been catching up the latest of Matt Smith as Dr. Who in anticipation of the 5oth anniversary show, The Day of the Doctor. Saw it yesterday. Missed the simulcast, caught the rerun. Was it as good as the hype? Yeah. I enjoyed it. I’ll have to see a couple more times to just get all the information that was imparted. The acting was good, the script was well written, the directing was well done… We even got to see a bit of Tom Baker as he is today. Older now, nice head of white hair, still able to carry a line and hold a conversation with Matt Smith which in and of itself could be a challenge.

However, it has left many questions. Is this the end of Dr. Who? Is this the beginning of a whole new story line? Is Matt Smith going to carry on? Or will there be a new Dr. Who to head up this new adventure? I’m curious as to what my students have to say. There are several who are ardent Dr. Who fans, so I imagine the discussion tomorrow will be lively. One thing that is interesting is that all of them agree that Matt Smith is the Dr. to watch. For my generation, Tom Baker was the man.

I enjoyed your answers, Don! I especially enjoyed “Why are we here?” Because we’re not there! And the Golden Rule. One of my favorite tear-jerking movies is Pay it Forward.  Do the good deed whether it can be paid back or not. There is nothing else that goes with that: just do it. I think the random acts of kindness are in this same category. And yeah, one size fits all. I’m not sure many young folks understand the Golden Rule, but they don’t hesitate to act out of kindness.

I’ve been working on another non-fiction writing project. It is something to get my feet wet with discipline, research and writing – easing into the Wired Generation project. I’m close to getting my thoughts together to put a small non-fiction  ebook together for woman. It has been an interesting process so far. I never seem to have enough time, there always seems to something more to investigate, and scientists (bless their hearts) just don’t know how to impart their information to the general public! Scientists need interpreters! The other issue is lack of information. Women have been around for a while now and there seems to be a big hole in the scientific community as to how women work!

Rant over – onto the cave. Glad you liked the picture – it was one I couldn’t resist.

I have been looking, fiddling, re-arranging the word order for your riddle, and I’m just about ready to cry UNCLE!

But, I’ll try “journal” as the answer to your riddle.

And yes, nail clippers answers my last riddle.

Here is this week’s installment:

Pumping fast and furious

Struggling with slope

Never going anywhere

Watching the world go by

As you work up a sweat

Have a great week, everyone.

For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving – enjoy!


All images downloaded from Google Images
Fig 1 – John Hurt Hints retrieved from
Fig 2 – Nov 23 – Dr. who 5oTh retrieved from
Fig 3 – Tom Baker Scarf retrieved from
Fig 4 – Remember retrieved from Cici Bean at
Fig 5 – Fay it Forward movie poster retrieved from

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