Sunday, November 17, 2013

Alone in the Unverse, Laundry and Self-cleaning clothes

Good afternoon, Everyone! Don, thanks for the questions! I was looking at them and realized that my answers are different now than they would have been five or ten years ago. And I must admit that there are several questions I have no idea how to answer! “Who are the Karadashians and why should I care” should really be question.  

And as to “Are we alone in the universe?” Great question. Of course, science fiction is based on the premise that we’re not alone. The Enterprise just would not have had any place to go if we were by ourselves. Can you imagine looking at all the planets and finding no one home? Scary!

On to more mundane things. Like you a couple of weeks ago, Don, I’ve been doing a lot of laundry this week; getting the summer clothes cleaned up and put away, dragging out the fall/winter clothes. It’s like Christmas! I open a bag and there it is! The sweater I’ve been looking for or the corduroy plants I’ve been wanting to wear – and in just the right color too!  Anyway, the laundry… read an article by Shelia Dharmarajan on self-cleaning clothes.

Apparently, there is a coating that is applied to fabric that repels every day stains like ketchup, chocolate and oil. The inventors have even found a way to deal with the smell by adding antimicrobial additives to the coating. That might really add an interesting twist to a dog’s nose if it’s tracking you.

To me, the downside is by the time you get all the additives worked into the material, and the clothes made, you have actually created a small version of a space suit. Nothing gets in or on, nothing gets out. The stiffness of the material would be something to consider – can you bend your knee? Sit down? Would this apply to socks and underwear? And can you imagine the sewing machine that would be needed for this? The industrial strength needle and hammer hitting pressure needed to just to get the needle through the fabric would be mind blowing.

And what would you do with the clothes once you out grow them? Do you really want to wear that shirt forever? It would be great for kids! But kids grow fast! Then what do you do? The clothes are virtually indestructible!

I keep floating back to your questions. As to which tradition do I think is worth keeping most – Thanksgiving. Christmas is okay, but it seems to come with a lot of baggage. Thanksgiving, however, doesn’t. Good food, good company, and if we’re lucky, good weather. My brother-in-law also hopes for good college football. I hope for left overs, good conversation and family I haven’t seen in a year.

I know that Canada celebrated Thanksgiving a month ago. And if I remember right, Don, you had a houseful. How’d it go? We’re getting ready to celebrate it in about 2 weeks.

Okay – the riddle cave!

I just love that last 3 minutes of inspiration! Eye drops it is! Well done!

And my guess for yours is “hammer”.

My offering this week:

Clipping away

Clip by clip,

Sliver by sliver

First the tips at the bottom

Then on the 10 in-between.


Have a great week, everyone!

And Don, have you tried to answer your questions? I think it would be a great survey for everyone to take. The only think that needs to be on it is the year of birth. I fact, I think I’ll made a few changes and see if I can get multigenerational answers for my project. Thanks, Don!


All images downloaded from Google Images
Fig 1 – Starship Enterprise – Hey U Guys retrieved from
Fig 2 -  Is bigger better? retrieved from
Fig 3 - Timing Error: Worldbuilding retrieved from
Fig 4 – Thanksgiving Chapel retrieved from
Fig 5 – Phraya Nakhon Cave retrieved from

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