Saturday, July 6, 2013

The wild side of urban life and Vacation is over

Good afternoon, Don. Glad to see that your computer problems have been overcome. I’ve spent the better part of this week in a fit of ARGH because my computer was acting up. Thankfully, I have a spouse who intercedes on my computer’s behalf when I get too emotionally wrapped up in the problems. My computer is much better now.

Sheds are not part of the inside so spiders are safe there; we don’t have a garage. I totally understand about Dickens! My folks used to have a cat named Tiger – he lived up to his name. Twenty-eight pounds, no claws, still climbed trees, weekly offered up a snake or a mouse just to show us how good a hunter he was. He jumped off the roof of the house one night and permanently dented the top of our car. The birds do not miss him. I’m sure he’s gone down in bird history as the monster parents tell their chicks about.

As far as other wild life is concerned, we have a rabbit family that seems to have taken up residence on Hobbit Hill, a hill that is in our front side yard. One of them sneaks into the backyard every morning only to sprint under the fence when the dog charges out the door. Silly rabbit. Reminds me of Peter Rabbit – I’m watching my vegetable container garden closely.

Sorry to hear that your story is in the still born stage. As far as copy right is concerned, we can check out how much of any one song you can use. If I remember right, you can use a couple of lines of each song without any problems, but I’ll check on it to be sure; everything has to be documented at the end – but that isn’t a problem. In the meantime, keep writing! Maybe after you get it roughed out, you and I can think of another way to do it if need be. I know, “it only works this way!” but sometimes things can change once the characters have had their way.
Isn’t it fun when characters show up and demand something then leave and you don’t really have any idea what they’re talking about? So how would you answer the question: Have any of your stories or characters in those stories followed to you bed, turned up in your dreams, taken a shower with you? What do you tell them to quiet their demands?
My vacation is almost over – one and a half more days, then I’m back to school. (The college I teach at is a year-round school.) I think back to when my break started. It looked like I had plenty of time to do everything my heart desired. Now that I’m at the end of my vacation, I look at my list and see what I haven’t finished yet. Is it because of lack of planning or because I had too much I wanted to do?
I can’t complain too loudly, I did read 3 books, took some pretty serious afternoon naps, managed to sleep until 7 am in the morning, visited with family, took walks. Plus, I got all the Wormhole stuff that needed to be done done. Actually, I realize I planned too much – my list was a 4-week to-do list to be accomplished in 2 ½ weeks. Without school, I have trouble prioritizing!

Back in the riddle cave, as a vegetarian, I’m having a bit of a problem with carnivorous robins and not being invited to the picnic. But I’ll hazard a guess: “rain”? Of course this answer eluded me until the rain storm we just had and now I’m watching robins go worming in our yard.
I knew I’d kick myself when you told me the answer to your riddle. “Shingle” was the word I was so frantically searching for and just could not wrap my brain around! And you’re right – lipstick is the answer to my riddle. I’m sure “Tell tale sign of kissing” gave it away. At least it was always the give-away in the old movies.


Here’s one back:

Flickering yellow

Releaser of darkness

Set in the window

A safe guide home


Just a note – saw the last episode of Dr. Who with Matt Smith. I was very surprised to see that a new Dr. is coming on board. Smith looked like he was having so much fun as the Dr! This new one could be a bit more serious! The dark side of the Dr?

Have a great week everyone!


All images downloaded from google
Fig. 1 – Computers can be a little pesky retrieved from
Fig. 2 – Top Ten Ways to Protect Birds from Cats retrieved from
Fig. 3 – Back to School retrieved from clipart
Fig. 4 – Robins retrieved from







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