Hi Carolyn,
“ New data from NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, which exists solely to hunt planets, suggests that there are about 20 billion Earths in our galaxy alone. That’s how many planets scientists estimate are about the same size as our own, and also reside in that ideal Goldilocks Zone around their host star where temperatures are potentially hospitable for living organisms”
The “ are we alone” odds makers may need to do some re-jigging, perhaps.
Carolyn, I have had a most engrossing week with your “ what question would you ask of the wired generation” item from back a bit. I haven’t stepped in front of any buses whilst contemplating it, but it’s a hearty smorgasbord of food for thought. This is such a good example of a seemingly innocent inquiry that turns into, after the mental swivel chair treatment, a real killer question.

Fish or cut bait time is here, though. I have to confess that it has become like that infamous potato chip or a Beatle song for me. I can’t stop at just one. So I hereby submit Twenty Questions for the Wired Generation.
I must say that each and every one of them comes to you with a monstrous amount of interrogative angst invested therein.

What is your definition of personal success?
What do you expect from your government?
Who or what is a Kardashian and why are they deserving of any kind of scrutiny whatsoever?
What tradition do you think is most worth keeping?
How much (insert your noun here) is too much and why?
Which Batman villain is the most dangerous - the Penguin, the Joker, Cat woman, or the Riddler?
Why are we here?
Is Organized religion relevant? Why/Whynot.
What tradition do you think is least worth keeping?

Do we have any moral duty to our fellow humans?
Which ideal should predominate within a community, personal freedom or selfless co-operation?
If you were in charge of the whole place, what are two things that would be on your short list to change?
Do you feel your privacy is in jeopardy?
Is personal privacy more important than national security?
What do you think the political landscape of the planet will be by 2113?
When do the needs of the many not outweigh the needs of the few?
Who let the dogs out?
Is it ever acceptable to lie?
Are we alone in the universe ?
Do you believe in true love ?
So there they be....
The kitchen renos you were inquiring about have been put to the side, a ce moment, by family matters, but the folks will be there to rip, gouge and destroy the old kitchen landscape, partially during the time we are in Mexico in February. I have certainly discovered that my better half and I have some fundamental philosophical differences on this item. Growing up in a household where the mantra was, if it isn't worn out you don't replace it and if it isn't broken you don't fix it, has come back to haunt me, big time. I'm being cast as a cross between a walking anachronism and a Luddite on this one.
Okay, I’m champing at the riddle bit here. What time I didn’t spend on your wired generation question query, I spent on your revised riddle and wow,I was still shooting blanks on it until about three minutes ago. As I contemplated it one last time before throwing in the riddle towel, the light bulb came on. ! You’re talking about glasses cases. The open mouthed or latched lid part that was blowing me off course is what tipped me off. Funny how the grey matter works, sometimes.
Here's my riddle for this breezy autumn week:
Driving force in constructive and destructive activity
Hitting the point with force and repetition
Mind the claws
And that, as they say, is all he wrote.
All images sourced from Google Images:
Fig. 1 - rt.com
Fig. 2 - commons.wikimedia.com
Fig. 3 - blog.chron.com
Fig. 4 - hdwallpapers3d.com
Fig. 5 - our-compass.org
Fig. 6 - motivated.co.nz
Fig. 7 - sodahead.com
Fig. 2 - commons.wikimedia.com
Fig. 3 - blog.chron.com
Fig. 4 - hdwallpapers3d.com
Fig. 5 - our-compass.org
Fig. 6 - motivated.co.nz
Fig. 7 - sodahead.com
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