Self-cleaning clothes, eh. Do the people who make washers, dryers, irons, clotheslines, and such know about this? Hanging out the wash is certainly one of those absolutely ingrained activities for many of us. All the dryer sheets in the world can't quite duplicate the fresh aura of a shirt that just spent the day flapping in a warm breeze.
"Never, " as the lawyers say, " ask a question you don't know the answer to. "
So, with that, and your recent inquiry in mind, I hereby submit answers for those twenty questions let loose last time around. I won't do all twenty this week, as that would be verbal abuse of a sort. How 'bout ten this time and ten the next.

When I can go to bed at least nine nights out of each ten and can say truthfully “ That was a good day.”
What do you expect from your government?
I expect my government to make life better for far more people than it makes life worse for.
Who or what is a Kardashian and why are they deserving of any kind of scrutiny whatsoever?
A Kardashian, from what I’ve seen, is the epitome of empty celebrity - someone famous only for being famous. They deserve scrutiny and study only to the extent that they demonstrate how popular culture, at its worst, trivializes the important and importantizes ( hey - a new word! ) the trivial.
What tradition do you think is most worth keeping?
Toughest question of all in some ways. Any tradition that promotes togetherness, fundamentally for its own sake ( like Thanksgiving) is worth preserving. Any tradition that promotes mirth and laughter ( like April Fools Day ) gets the nod too. Any tradition that brings family together to recall and celebrate the life of a loved one works too, like a funeral or memorial celebration,. If I had to pick the most valuable one, the celebration of a life well-lived would prevail.

How much (insert your noun here) is too much and why?
I’m gonna choose political correctness for my noun here. And I'm gonna let the picture, courtesy of Hallmark Cards, do the talking:
As Bruce Dern once said in Support You Local Sherriff (a good movie for light-hearted holiday viewing BTW)
"This is just dumb and stupid!"

Which Batman villain is the most dangerous - the Penguin, the Joker, Cat Woman, or the Riddler?
This is almost too easy - The Riddler, man, The Riddler. Long life to he, or she, who riddles! Honorable mention to The Joker, though.
Why are we here?
I know the answer to this question. I just can’t put it into words. The best I can do is, we’re here because we’re not there.
Is Organized religion relevant? Why/Whynot.
It is relevant as a means of organizing groups of charitable and sincere individuals to help those who have suffered major setbacks, either from natural disasters or personal circumstances beyond their control.
What tradition do you think is least worth keeping?
Halloween, hands down. Not for the ghoulish or costume part at all , but for the dietary overindulgence aspect. It’s not a commemoration of any significant event or noble tradition or an opportunity for families to gather together. It’s just a chance to get a bunch of candy.
Do we have any moral duty to our fellow humans?
The Golden Rule rules. Be it the old school “ Do unto others…” iteration , the old testament “ Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself “ version, or one of the more casual modern day expressions, it’s a simply beautiful and beautifully simple concept to live by - One size fits all.
Okay, into the cave. Incidentally, I really like the cave pic you used last time.
I believe your last one is nail clippers. It didn't come to me in a Eureka moment like the last one, but it was the "10" thing that blew me in this direction.
Here's mine:
Masculine, feminine and neutral versions available
Opportunity to reflect, relieve and compose
An absolute necessity
Hopefully all of your Thanksgiving ministrations and situations go off and go on as planned. Enjoy, enjoy.
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