Hi Carolyn,
I must admit I truly appreciated your input on the neophyte storywriter item I put up last week. I'd be lying if I said the whole process wasn't bugging me just a bit less than a lot.
I like the " a couple of lines " part since I had set two lines as my limit from the start.
I was a bit spooked by stuff like George Harrison's getting nicked for My Sweet Lord. The whole intellectual property thing seems so arbitrary, that I didn’t know where to go if I was gonna stick something out there where it would be accessible everywhere at once.

As far as characters following me about, oddly enough a fair amount of it happens while I’m cutting the lawn. It's a good stretch of time where my brain is freed up in a number of ways. A full grass haircut and trim about the place takes about two hours and a bit and its pretty minimal brain-involving activity. The survival instinct stuff says ya just don’t stick your feet underneath that area where all the grass is flying out . You have to go way out of your way to mangle anything - although I’ll bet the Darwin Award people might have a story or two about such activities!
The year-round school thing is another item you mentioned that caught my attention in a big way. Having grown up and spent a career teaching in areas where the summer was harvest season for a significant number and a chance for students seeking further education to bankroll some tuition money I guess I was conditioned otherwise. I did start to realize that in any 12 months you could get further along in your overall education if things were apportioned differently.
Okay, no more talking shop, here - although its amazing just how easy it is, even after half a decade, to slip right back into the groove and rhythm of pedagogy.
You were dead on about my last riddle , Carolyn, it was rain. We are looking for it here even though it's been inundating places all around us.
Your last riddle, I'm betting, is a candle.
Here is mine for this week
Captures life’s essence and redistributes it at your command
Often seen lurking around rain barrels
Leave it exposed and empty on a windy day and
It will roll away in a bumpy fashion
So, now I'm off for a week of white line fever trying to catch a number of the far-flung relatives in this big-derriere province of Ontario.
Hope everything is cool when you get back to school.
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