Family events!
Outstanding! Don, I admire that you took on both your wife’s family and your
own! Heroic! I get to do this next weekend. My son and his wife, from Bosnia on
their way to China, and my daughter and her family (the grand kids) will all be
here for a family reunion. Never in my adult-after-the-kids-left life did I
imagine that all seven of them would be staying at my house at the same time.
Where to put everyone! This will be an adventure! We are also close to closing the negotiations on whether or not our 13 year old granddaughter stays a week with us. We have
finally gotten all the logistics taken care of, now we’re down to whether or
not she wants to come.
Before I move
on, I want to say that the picture of the young woman, her mother, grandmother
is striking! Well done!

Remember “erasable
ink”? I thought that was a mile stone in human advancement!
I’ve got the next Transport ezine, Transport
23, ready for publication and the web developers. It goes up the first Friday
in August. Spent most of yesterday on it. This one includes one of my stories –
Tracker – The Invitation. It also has the 4th episode of Touching
Lands Dance – the episode that leads up to the big finale (which will be in
September’s Transport ezine). I’m excited because we also showcase Colby
Elliott and one of his audio books. Our web developers figured out how to put
an audio sample on the website. To some of you that sounds rather elementary ,
but the website host is rather archaic. Time to find a different host and how
to migrate what we have has been very limited.
To the Riddle
cave: The riddle this week was picnic table. I imagine you’ve sat at one or two
over the last week, Don.
My guess for
yours is: clothes pin
And back to you:
in the breeze
of dryer things to come
put away when it rains
time to move on to house cleaning and laundry – the never ending have-to’s of
a great week everyone!
figures downloaded from google images:
– Footprint on moon -
2 – Cell phone / superhero cape -
3 Velcro myth -
4 – Slide Rule -
5 – smiling cat
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