Thursday, December 3, 2015

Bueller.........Bueller?... plus Bill and Ted and Beetlejuice MIA

Hi Carolyn,

For starters, I forgot, last time around, to wish y'all a happy Thanksgiving. A good  friend of mine, and fellow Canadian  found himself  in NYC for the Macy's parade this year and said it was a spectacle quite unlike anything he had seen before. Alas, he also noted that security was beyond molasses thick and he was less than comfy with all of that visible weaponry.

The quirky climate stuff you mentioned certainly seems to be making its presence felt. That little slop of snowfall I referred to last time around is history and we are back to temps around plus five to 8 (Celsius ) during the day and just a tad below freezing at night. I haven't put the bike to bed yet simply because I have a feeling that there is one or two more rides left this year. It's December and I'm in snow country and I'm trash talking like this !! Canst thou dig it ??   Never-the-less, I had a most therapeutic  hour on the bike just a couple of weeks ago, so let it be known that  I'm keeping the two-wheeled  faith here, brothers and sisters!

Your mention of " Bosom Buddies " and it's trading on the " Some Like It Hot " vibe struck me as quite interesting on two levels. Firstly, I had just seen Messrs. Lemon and Curtis in that flick a short while ago on Turner Classic Movies and enjoyed it supremely once again. When that first miraculous VCR player/recorder appeared in gadget land so many decades ago, a VHS tape of this flick was among my first purchases. It was pretty cool to realize, at the time,  that we could watch it any time we wanted to!

On a second and more detailed level it reminded me of a list my daughter had recently  sent me.  It's from The Writers Guild Of America itemizing what they feel is/are the.....

See the complete list at

I gotta admit, I have a bone or three to pick with this particular list.

 For startsies here's the Writer's Guild top ten:

1- Annie Hall

2- Some Like It Hot

3 - Groundhog Day

4 - Airplane

5 - Tootsie

6 - Young Frankenstein

7 - Dr. Strangelove

8 - Blazing Saddles

9 - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

10 - Animal House

For the record, I have seen all of these. In fact the only ones I have not seen more than once are the ones that I would personally kick out of the top ten. I figure if you see a flick and then want to see it again that's a pretty straightforward gut reaction type  barometer. The two flicks in this list that I didn't see again, by choice, are Annie Hall and Groundhog Day.

I hereby remove them from this top ten list and substitute two of my gut list total faves.  They would be The Princess Bride ,which was # 22 on their list and Ferris Bueller's Day Off, which was # 33.

Now let's look at egregious omissions from this list - stuff that didn't appear at all. The most glaring no-show  has to be Beetlejuice.  Not too far behind is Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.  These two absolute  oversights made me do the " what were they thinking ?"  dance big time.

Some other placings that I'd like to, as the jewish folks say , " kvetch" about are:

The Marx Brothers Duck Soup at #17 , The Odd Couple ( the movie ) at #41, MASH ( the movie ) at 48, Stripes at # 88 and The Life of Brian at # 26.

Once again " what were they thinking ? ". Okay, 'tis true that a screenplay is a different animal than a script but in each of these cases the " if it ain't on the page it won't play on the stage " dictum was strictly observed from the git-go.

Anyhow, that's all I have to say about that ( to paraphrase Mr. F. Gump )

And while we're passing on other people's words here's this weeks Twainism. It fits the subject matter, if you think about in a certain way.

Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.

Glad to hear that your Thanksgiving was a wonderful family fricassee, Carolyn.

Catch  ya later.


All images sourced from Google Images:

Fig. 1 -
Fig. 2 -
Fig. 3 -
Fig. 4 -
Fig. 5 -

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