Saturday, October 24, 2015

Saving Matt Damon so far far away

Yes, I remember you, Don! And I understand how things just keep piling in. Happy Birthday by the way! I remember folks saying life slowed down when you hit 65.... I'm not sure that applies to you! Do you remember buying your first house? I do – and I'm real thankful my father was there to help us through the hoops.

I so enjoyed your little tidbit about fire ants. It makes me think of politicians and political parties. They surround their "king" (in this case), and wherever they land (the different stands they take), they sting. (I found pictures of fire ant rafts - but the pictures made me itch) and Even though we are still months away from the drama of electing a new president, Face Book has had a plethora of damning evidence for both the Republicans and the Democrats.  I feel like this last political season never really ended – that we are stuck in an endless cycle of politics and finger pointing.

And yes, the news about the heavens has been fascinating! I agree, the pictures from Pluto were astonishing! But I still thrill to the news about running water on Mars! Which brings me to the subject of my post today: Saving Matt Damon. This was on Face Book around the time The Martian opened. So we have done the movies to save Matt Damon: Saving Private Ryan, Interstellar, and The Martian. Even though Damon's parts in Saving ... Ryan and Interstellar were small, his character was still one of the central themes to both movies.

Saving Private Ryan was a good war movie! Tom Hanks was excellent! The writing, the filming, the directing, the acting – all spectacular. The themes and subplots all lent to the movie and the believability of the characters and what they had been tasked to do. Matt Damon did an admirable job as the poor kid thrust into events that he didn't ask for, support he didn't want... a very believable character.

Interstellar – Astronaut Farmer meets 2001 A Space Odyssey.  Matthew McConaughey was too slick, the movie at least 60 minutes too long, the writing scrambled (but they were dealing with the conflict of time and gravity) so it showed up in the script, the shots were too long. This is where Christopher Nolan should have taken direction from Caseen Gaines and Robert Zemeck.  It was an unproductive 3 hours, I did not care about the characters by the time the movie was over. Whatever feelings I had for them was long gone in the long shots, the delayed action, the confusion of the script.
Matt Damon actually played a crazy / bad guy in the film. It was interesting to see him do something different. He did it well. But actually, it was a good set up and practice for The Martian.

The MartianRobinson Crusoe on Mars meets Apollo 13. Outstanding in every way.  The movie is based on story of Robinson Crusoe – the hero on his own, survival is up to him. But throughout the movie, the heroic attempts by others to save him become an integral part of the story. The weaving back and forth between Damon trapped on Mars, the Earth teams trying to figure out how to save him and his ship mates desperate to go back for him made for a dynamic movie. The acting by all was spectacular, the CGI effects (very believable) enhanced the movie instead of distracted from it.  I think the Academy will have a hard time choosing between The Martian and Bridge of Spies with Tom Hanks.

Phones – you have an older, more mature iPhone – that doesn't do what the new ones do... the new phones I've seen are bigger, more difficult to carry around - easier to read, watch movies on - but hard to hold. Are you sure you need the "new and better funky features"? My better half bought his first android phone this year – so did our son. My sister's family finally chucked her out of the family net because she refuses to "upgrade". I carry a clamshell that is about 6 years old – still going strong, still able to make and receive calls. And it costs me $112 a year – not a month – a year. I'm good!

We got a new story for Wormhole from Tammy! It is a great Halloween story! I'm putting it together with several of her other stories and will have it on Amazon by the end of the week. I think you all will really enjoy it! Until then check out the website and what we still have available! 

Yahoo is changing their server / service for websites within the next couple of months. Looks like we are going to migrate Wormhole to Weebly. Have to figure that out before the end of the year. I'll keep you informed.

Have a great Birthday! And a wonderful Canadian Thanks Giving!

I've included a link to far away galaxies that Hubble has found in the last years. Amazing that we can see that far. Maybe this is what inspired  Interstellar. And in case anyone missed it, I've included a link to water on Mars


All images downloaded from Google Images
The Astronaut Farmer retrieved from Poster the Astronaut Farmer - Pics about space
2001 A Space Odyssey retrieved from 2001: A Space Odyssey poster |
Robinson Crusoe on Mars retrieved from Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964) - Öteki Sinema

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