Saturday, December 20, 2014


Good morning from cloudy Colorado! Wouldn't you know it? As soon as I get all the grading done and finally have time to enjoy the 45 degree sunshine we've been having, it gets cloudy and threatens to snow. Yes, I know, it is almost Christmas and we are very dry and in need of snow... but couldn't I have just one day of sun?

So, the quarter is put to bed! We had graduation yesterday and I was privileged to sit on the side where the graduates come off the stage after receiving their diplomas. They go up the stairs, shake hands and exchange hugs with so much confidence, so much joy and pride! And as soon as most of them reach the steps to go back to their seats, the air is let out of them, they deflate, and relief and a look of being the deer in the headlights escort them off the stage. There are those that pop the crazy pose, you know the one that looks like a distorted pumpkin with the tongue   hanging out, thumbs up in victory ... but they are few and far between. Most just slide back into their seats, relieved that "learning" is finally over. So little do they know.

In many ways I admire the graduates. They hung in there – they got done what they set out to do. They might realize that now the real work begins, but for just an hour or two, maybe a week, they can relax and not worry. Maybe they can sit with the realization of the enormous adventure they have just completed and feel proud of themselves.

I remember when I completed my master's in education – it had been a long long couple of years. I had to defend my master thesis before a panel of 7 – 2 panelists were my choice; the other 5 were the university's choice. It was a tough two hour defense. But I passed! I made it! We celebrated by going out to eat lunch, then home to change my clothes and get ready to go SHOPPING! Something I hadn't done in 18 months. My husband had to go out to his shop to get something; I laid down on the couch and didn't wake up for 3 months. I image most of the graduates I saw yesterday feel the same way. 

So Christmas is upon us. We managed to slip away last weekend to visit the Grandkids. Our oldest will soon be 15 – able to get a driver's permit ... now that is scary - realizing that you are old enough to have grandchildren who can drive. Our youngest granddaughter, a fashionesta at heart, told us she wanted "collared" shirts so she could wear scarves. She just couldn't accept that you can wear a turtleneck with a scarf. "That's just wrong, grandma..." Our grandson dressed for the weather! He is so ready for snow! For the first time in his life, he knows where his snow pants are, where his boots and mittens are ... he actually hung up his coat so he could get to it just in case it snowed. You have to love the simpleness of brilliant geeks.

We are ready for Christmas. MBH works through Christmas Eve, so I get to watch all the Hallmark Christmas movies. Just me, the dog and a cup of hot chocolate. Not a bad way to go!

We'll spend the rest of the year (all 7 days of it) relaxing, enjoying, reading, maybe some walks – but not in malls. I don't do New Year's Resolutions, so I'm free to take on 2015 in any way I see appropriate. As I'm still trying to figure out what happened to 2014, it could be a while before I admit we've changed into a new year.

I've been getting the bookkeeping done for Wormhole ElectricI discovered that the short novels did really well! The Anthologies didn't do as well this year as in previous years. The weekly e-zine is doing a guarded "okay". Several of our writers appear to be more widely read than others. Over all, it was a good year! Not rich yet by any means, but rich in experience and opportunity to make things grow.  Thank you, good folks, for reading us!

On behalf of Wormhole Electric , we wish you all a great holiday season!
Carolyn Varvel

All images downloaded from Google Images
Graduate dog retrieved from
No note from mother retrieved from

Hot chocolate retrieved from  

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