Thursday, November 6, 2014

Conspiracy and Aliens

Good Morning!
It has been an exciting week – I finally at long last was able to put the final conclusion and implications into the Millennial Hotwired project and send it off to editors. I'm sure it will come back riddled with red and questions, but at least the rough draft is done. I have to admit that I've even gone back and been able to look at it with more of an editor's eye and I've already changed some of the wording.

I think the biggest thing is how to make is more personable instead of sounding like a 50 page research paper – dull and boring. The information is good, the tone needs to be more pleasant. I had three pages of information on the changes in society's view toward children and the necessary elements of their education. It was an excellent sequential "this is what happened" and it was boring, the point got lost, and by the end of that part, even I didn't care anymore! I was able to craft it down to three paragraphs.
I'm taking a workshop on Sunday on self-editing. I know that it will be useful to me as well as my students. I'm looking forward to the experience.

Last week saw the failure of one of the Virgin Spaceships – it killed a pilot and sent another to the hospital. There was also an explosion on the NASA pad of an Antares rocket carrying supplies and scientific equipment to the space station. According to safety officers, the rocket malfunctioned and needed to be destroyed.
Okay, so I'm not a great conspiracy follower, but to have 2 major accidents in 7 days of each other is suspect. I'm just wondering ... I know that Russia will take a big monetary hit when the United States begins supplying its own transportation to the International Space Station. Just a thought...

Also in the news almost every day is "proof of aliens" everywhere. The latest and maybe even the greatest was the death bed video of Boyd Bushman, an Area 51 scientist, who revealed that aliens were not only living among us; 19 of them worked for the Government. He classified aliens as "Wranglers" and "Rustlers" and the "Wranglers" were more friendly... I wonder if he's talking about the political parties when he mentions "Rustlers" ...

This brings to mind the movie Cowboys and Aliens starring Daniel Craig, (007) and Harrison Ford (Star Wars). Aliens come to "wrestle up some humans" and only the cowboys and Indians stand in their way. No virus takes them out, just a cowboy bent on their destruction.

We've also been inundated with pictures of human pictographs on Mars and giant earth size space ships hiding in the corona of the sun. The most recent is an elongated face that even has NASA scientists scratching their heads. The seems to be a need to prove that Mars is a long abandoned planet that once housed a prosperous and highly intelligent civilization. The need to prove "we are not alone" seems to be running strong this year.

As I was growing up, one of my favorite, and possibly the tipping literature that moved me into science fiction and fantasy was Edgar Rice Burroughs "Barsoom Series" – John Carter on Mars. That led to the Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. From then on  I was hooked. Burroughs also wrote the Tarzan series which I also read and thoroughly enjoyed.

As a side note, as I was looking into Burroughs' history, I discovered that his great-grandson is the famed film maker, Wes Anderson (The Grand Budapest Hotel). I've only seen the Grand Budapest Hotel, but one of my students did a research on Anderson's techniques last quarter and I am truly impressed.

At Wormhole we are getting ready to showcase books for December. We've got several that are outstanding and we'll pull the July release books in too. I'm struggling with whether or not to pull the single short stories that we've published this year into an Anthology. I'll let you all know later.

On to riddles! Okay – my guess is Baseball!

I don't have a riddle for you this week, but I'll work on and deliver at the next posting.

 Have a great week everyone!

Images retrieved from google images

UFO filmed At Area 51 –Retrieved from
The Newsstreak: Review: "The Grand Budapest Hotel" retrieved from
Total Baseball retrieved from

Scriber, B. (Oct. 30, 2014) Rocket destroyed on pad. National Geographic. retrieved from
First to know. (Oct. 29. 2014) Watch: dying Area 51 scientist admits aliens are real. Retrieved from

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