Sunday, March 23, 2014

Suntan Lotion, Hula Hooping, and Life in General

Good morning, Don. Sorry to hear about your broken pipes! And the dry wall, that is a big problem. I remember it happening to us – I think waiting for it to dry is the best idea. We didn't wait long enough and taking the dry wall out became a massive exercise in futility. And the irony of the cabinets isn't lost on me either. Look at it this way – you'd have a whooping water bill and more than just some dry wall to take out had you stayed in the warm south. Good luck with all of this!

My part of the tree is quivering right now with the last of the grading for the quarter. I finally got caught up yesterday, so I can catch my breath. I have 15 research papers coming in Tuesday with final grades due by Friday. It will be tight, but I'll get it done. I'll have a couple of days off, but the administration feels that my time can be better spent in workshops than in catching my breath and getting ready for the next quarter. Those who don't teach seem to think it is easier than what they do.

I'm finishing up the edits and formatting for Transport 30. Amazing! We have released 30 Transports, Don. I haven't stopped to figure out how many stories that is – but it is 8 individual books and 2 anthologies. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again: I am honored to work with some of the best prolific writers! I'm looking forward to our Riddle piece in May!

Back in the real world, I'm working with the web site developers to redo the web site. Our plan is to have it completed by August. I'm hoping that is realistic. I've cut back on the number of stories per month in the Transports so the guys can start on the changes. I talked toJim Bessey this morning from about marketing and some of the changes we could make on the web site. I have a lot to do over the next few months, but I think it is all do-able. One step at a time and patience are called for at this time.

And I want to say Thanks to Jim and his writing contests! I've contacted 3 possible new writers for Wormhole. They'll start with us in August and September as part of the new roll out for the web site. Our own Tamara Narayan came to us through Jim's contests. Tammy's stories are extraordinary! Check out her latest in Transport 29.  Next time has a contest, Everyone enter! The contests are fun and easy and Jim takes into account audience approval. Check it out.

The most important thing I've done this week has been to grade papers. And, I was fortunate enough to have a student write about suntan lotion. As summer is coming, this topic is important to all of us. I mentioned suntan lotion in my book about Estrogen andMenopause. Suntan lotion is good, and bad. Find suntan lotion that does not have oxybenzone and or retinyl palmitate in it.

Recent research indicates that suntan lotion with oxybenzone is it is not all that good for you. It is an estrogen like product that is absorbed through the skin and finds its way into the blood stream and may cause hormonal imbalances. Men, it does the same thing for you...

Another chemical that suntan lotion may have in it is retinyl palmitate. It is a form of Vitamin A. Research indicates that this chemical may be the cause of the increase in skin cancer. When retinyl palmitate is applied to the skin that is exposed to sunlight, it may cause skin tumors and lesions. This applies to everyone. 

Both of these chemicals can be read about on the internet. Read about it! Make your own decisions. Suntan lotion is important! Use it! But be aware of what is in it.

The other paper that has influenced my life was about hula hoops. Yes, that old fashioned hula hoop that goes around and around the waist if you can keep the hips and legs moving. Apparently a hula hoop is good for core strength and development. So I made a bee line out to our shed, retrieved our very old blue patchy glittered hula hoop and started. I used to be able to hoop for many minutes. Now, I'm up to 40 times around before the hoop drops to the ground leaving me breathless and giggling – 40 times around is about 20 seconds of time – maybe 30 seconds...  

Anyway, hula hoops are good for core strength, leg strength, balance, coordination and giggles. When I take the dog out, I do the hoop. Thankfully, it is just me and the dog. He watched the first couple of times, shook his head and wandered off. Maybe by next week I'll be up to 50 times around! Wonder how long it will take me get to a minute? How many times around will it go in a minute? As 13 minutes of exercise seems to be the magic number for getting the most out of basic exercise, I imagine I'll be awhile working on this. I've started distance walking again, but I have to admit, it just isn't as much fun as hooping. I'd look really silly hooping and walking.  

Time to get back to tinkering with class assignments for next quarter. And the dog wants out - hoop is by the back door, just waiting. 

Have a great week, everyone!


Don! Riddles – we only have a month to put it together!

All images downloaded from Google images
Fig 1 – RF Wind Strom, clipart retrieved from
Fig 2 – Edit retrieved from google images
Fig 3 – Transport 29 Cover designed by L. Varvel
Fig 4 – Cruise Ship Coloring pages retrieved from
Fig 5 – Sunburn retrieved from google images
Fig 6 – Cartoon girl with hula hoop retrieved from

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