your solution to international hostile intent is fantastic – the ultimate food
fight. However, I would suggest that there be no silverware of any kind or
ceramic plates or pots and pans included in this little culinary feast of
deviant behavior. I think your suggestion that it be at the U.N., is a great
idea. They definitely have the room.
would you judge who won? The person who gains the most weight from licking
their wounds? Whoever is the 1st or the last to empty their onslaught
buffet table? And I'm not so sure you can keep the judges from not being
involved. With all that food flying around, I'm sure that at least one or 2
judges would like to taste the fair.
ago there was a movie called The Great Race with Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemmon, and Peter
Falk (1965). The food fight in this movie is an absolute stitch! And the fact
that Tony Curtis stayed completely clean throughout the fight was just this
side of a miracle. The fight did resolve the problem in a positive way.
I imagine that you are getting ready to move on
to a warmer climate for a couple of months. I envy you. I hope that your travels
to and from the airport are safe and easy. And I hope that both you and your
better half soak up all those positive rays that the sun has for you. Are you
going to go anywhere exciting?

We've been caught in a 2 day cycle – one day it
is 50°, then during the night the temperature falls and we have extreme
humidity and mist that freezes. Then Mother Nature, just to keep us on our
toes, lays down a half inches snow on top of that. And the 2nd day warms
up to maybe 25°. Then sometime during the night, the temperature starts rising
and we go through the whole cycle all over again. It has been the strangest
weather event to see hoarfrost in Colorado.
If you remember, in June, I had my right thumb
joint reconstructed. This left me a left-handed for 3 months – which was a
great way to re-experience the world. However, I paid the price for that and
New Year's Eve I had reconstructive surgery on my left thumb. I am
finally off the painkillers, and sleeping in the bed instead of a recliner. The
mechanics of the world are the way they're supposed to be so I'm able to get in
and out of the house without having to figure out how the door handle turns.
But I'll admit I'm not as good at protecting my left arm and hand – I keep trying to
compensate to make sure that I do not re-damage the right-hand. I get my hard cast
on Tuesday. Maybe then I will be able to do some driving. Being housebound
because of the weather, not being able to drive, it being the darker part of
the year, has made this a much more challenging adventure than the surgery in
June. I will survive.
Don, please enjoy the sun for me.
have spent the last couple of weeks researching small independent publishers
and looking at what works and what doesn't work. I ran across an interesting
statement about whether or not publicity results in increased sales. The 3
experts that I read concluded that publicity may or may not be helpful. Several
other articles that I have read point out that because everyone has access to
publishing, everyone who has at any time even considered writing a book, has
written it and published it. There have been over 1 million books independently
published in 2014.
is a lot of reading material. The question becomes, how to be noticed. I have
not figured that out yet, but I'm beginning to think that the publishing field
right now is like your food fight, Don. So maybe some kind of experimentation
is in order. Have no idea what that looks like – but I am open to suggestions.
a great week folks,
images downloaded from Google images
2 -- the largest pie fight the great race retrieved from
3 -- 5 best food fights on film retrieved from
4 -- consumer and contractor products and services retrieved from
5 -- hoar frost free images retrieved from
6 – hoarfrost on aircraft retrieved from
7 -- fill your house with stacks of books Dr. Seuss – vintage book retrieved
Fig 8 -- when
book bloggers hit the wall – Rob Steiner retrieved from
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