Whatsay we start with the riddle stuff. The last one was tea. I'm not sure if the judges will accept "teatime" as an answer, but I think they should. The inclusion of " commonwealth clocks " sprung from our last major vacation. We were pointedly reminded of just how thoroughly British tradition perseveres here in Canada when we were out in Victoria B.C.- which is probably more British than Britain, even though its half a planet away! - a few years ago. One afternoon we thought we'd stop and check out the oft-touted "High Tea" at the Empress Hotel.
Well, from what we saw it's ceremonial to an extent that makes the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace look like a random mob scene. As we were told whilst being turned away peremptorily by an officious fellow in a waistcoat at the foyer entrance , "You simply must reserve well in advance".

All things considered, we had a jolly good time in the few hours we were there. We hope to get back before the snow flies.
BTW - I'm somewhat proud of myself, at this moment, for not stooping to low-brow punsterism by referring to this Stratford,( second only to its British namesake as a Shakespearian venue,) as a delightful little hamlet. T'would be misleading, alas, as it's much larger than that.
Anyhow, now that I've gotten back on course from the tangent that the tea riddle sent me off on, here's another riddle to have a whack at at your leisure... ( you do partake of leisure these days, I hope. )
Gotta pull strings to make impressions
Counterproductive if not tuned in
An expressive axe for Jimi, Chuck, Eric et al

Still, I wonder what Steve Jobs or Bill Gates would have answered if asked about keeping cursive writing in the grade school curriculum.
Intriguing, and a bit portentous isn't it, how many hands on skills and dexterities technology is stealing from us in the name of speed and convenience.
Okay, now that I've bemoaned technology it's only fair that I do some cheerleading too. Between your mention of the "Luke" project awhile back and our recent adventures vis-a-vis the possibility of an artificial knee for my LSBH, I've done some nosing about in the wonderful world of prosthetics and artificial body parts. I am amazed by some of the stuff out there just like you were when you checked out the Luke item.

Boy, I sure wish I could hang around for about another two centuries, just to see where it's at by then.

Son of a gun, Carolyn, your next entry here will be posting #200 for this "conversations" blog. I haven't run out of words yet, how 'bout you?

My apologies to seminal and highly musical bluesy Brit, Long John Baldry, for appropriating his album title for this go-round. Apparently, he too had "touchscreen finger".
All images sourced from Google Images
Fig. 1 - changeddesktop.com
Fig. 2 - www.trekearth.com
Fig. 3 - eighteenwaterloo.com
Fig. 4 - www.noupe.com
Fig. 5 - colouringbook.org
Fig. 6 - weburbanist.com
Fig. 7 - www.shutterstock.com
Fig. 8 - www.newgrounds.com
Fig. 9 - www.eltonjohnitaly.com
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