Hi Carolyn, and Happy New Year,
Well I certainly echo you sentiments about how cool it is that it's been a years worth of blogs and then some and things still seem to be rolling along without becoming tedious or repetitive. We have visited a wide variety of topics but the one that has turned up the most I think has been the weather. That's a good starting point for this time since right now it's cold enough to freeze the ( fill in the blank ) off of a ( fill in the blank ) here. Last night I found myself up at about 3 am and checked the weather station I have out of curiosity. It was minus 21 with a wind chill that made it over minus 30 - that's about 22 below zero in American degrees! This side of the continent appears to be gettin' smacked real good at the moment.
" In a month and a bit you'll be in Mexico" I keep telling myself.
Thank you, BTW, for giving me the benefit of the doubt in your Dec. 22 entry by assuming that I have " great ability with hockey skates ". I did spend more than a few minutes on them as a kid but I never really got the hang of it enough to be that skate like the wind hockey player that every Canadian boy supposedly aspired to be. I was actually one of those kids who would rather read than play sports and whenever I did find myself on a hockey team I was invariably the fella who "rode the pines" as they say.
And to continue in that retrospective vein, Carolyn, your year in review blog certainly points up two things in abundance. You have helmed the good ship Wormhole Electric through some very interesting and adventurous seas thus far, Captain Varvel, and scanning the 2014 horizon makes it obvious that, as the songs says, " You ain't seen nothin' yet ". Sail on, sail on!
The whole holiday scene came off pretty well around these parts this year. The people mean more than the gifts, of course, but my daughter gave me a great one that I can't wait to tie into. It's a monstrous (1100 pages plus ) compendium of " strange and dark stories " entitled " The Weird " It covers over a century and the author list reads like a who's who of literature. I haven't cracked it yet and I'm reminded that about the time we launched this blog I had also obtained some new reading material by Harry Harrison which I STILL haven't gotten to. I even, I notice, made it one of my resolutions for New Years a year ago to double up on the reading. Hasn't happened yet - Arrgghh!
At the moment, we are emptying and tearing down our kitchen in preparation for the renovations it will undergo while we are here in January, during our absence, and when we return in March. It's amazing how much can be squirrelled away in those cavernous kitchen cupboards in a quarter of a century.We've found stuff we simply forgot we had and other stuff that may have to be carbon-dated. My better half and I both get the feeling at times that we may be borderline hoarders. One pleasant discovery we recently made is that the folks from Habitat for Humanity will come and remove our old cupboards and appliances free of charge and give us a tax receipt for whatever they get when they resell them. That is most cool.
Well that just about empties the hold for this all over the map entry. Except for one thing. The riddle cave is hereby reopened with the following:
Essential instruments in the gastronomic symphony
Infinite in size and variety
Wouldn't be in the kitchen if they couldn't take the heat.
P.S. I'm all for herding together past riddles into a little compendium (luv that word!)
All images sourced from Google Images.
Fig. 1 - idiom-a-day.blogspot.com
Fig. 2 - hockeybroads.com
Fig. 3 - funylool.com
Fig. 4 - bookshelfreaderreviews.blogspot.com
Fig. 5 - truewords.com
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