Hi Carolyn,
I don't know how things have been going atmospherically out in your part of the continent recently but here it's been incredible for a couple of weeks running. I know I waxed on incessantly about the weather last time but since then it's just been day after day of climate-Camelot stuff. It's been like a huge magnet pulling me outside everyday. It's just about the only topic in conversation hereabouts at the moment and we're all sorta looking sideways at each other and grinning a bit too heartily because we know we're cheatin' the weather Fates this time around.
The weather-forecasters, ( a.k.a. the wet blanket brigade ) tell me that it's soon to come crashing down though. Apparently there are bad things brewing out your way that will literally rain on our parades here. In fact I've been meaning to ask you, Carolyn from Colorado, just what's the deal with your state and those right around it being one of the roots of all evil in the weather world of continental North America ?
The official term that gets bandied about is Colorado Low and the meteorologist types seem to always refer to it in either ominous or reverent/fearful tones. In reference thereto, one of the weather sites I visited enthusiastically noted, " This system has it all" It's been mentioned in the forecasts lately and I have a feeling , as John Fogerty sings it, there's a bad moon on the rise..

Picture it! If you're feeling particularly adventuresome in an old-world culinary vein call up the Michelin Five-Star kitchen program, complete with a saucy and narcissistic French sous chef. Want to just have something simple, then dial up the tropical fruits and veggies sub-routine and go and clip and chop your own. I'd like to be tossing some fresh lake perch fillets into a cast-iron skillet with just a bit of butter and cilantro - click - I'm there. And the holodeck wine cellar - oh, be still my beating heart !
I can't remember at this moment which novel it was but one of the first Heinlein novels I read included holographic food. It was called syntho-something-or-other but the concept was cool, and still is.
I've just finished supper as I write this but I do believe I'm hungry again !!
I'm gonna leave last week's riddle in the riddle-revolving-door so you can catch it on the next time around, Carolyn
Well, I've said a mouthful here, so see ya later.
P.S. - It looks like, if all goes well, we will be hanging out on the Yucatan Peninsula for six weeks this year during February and March.
All images sourced from Google Images
Fig. 1 - illustrationsource.com
Fig. 2 - epilogue.net
Fig. 3 - fineartamerica.com
Fig. 4 - ehow.com
Fig. 5 - storiesbywilliams.com
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