Sunday, January 3, 2016

Holiday debriefing, Santa debunking and drones bearing gifts.

Hi Carolyn,

Hopefully your Yuletide came in and went out without a hitch. Things sure flew by 'round here I gotta admit. At one point we had six humans, three dogs and one conspicuously grumpy cat gathered together for the  Christmas Day repast. I'll leave it to you to ascertain who sat at the table and who sat under it, though!

During the evening we somehow got on the topic of how and when each of us found out that there really wasn't a Santa Claus. Some folks see finding out the truth about the jolly fat dude as sort of a first reality check for youngsters. Others actually attach a degree of genuine trauma to the event. I really can't seem to remember a moment of shock and horror when the beans were spilled for me. In fact I can't actually recall a moment of realization or a particular figure in my young life who ratted Santa out. I had a brother who was a couple of years older than I and we shared a room and bunk beds during those years so he could well have been the one who burst my balloon. He was, after all, a contrary sort much of the time and a bit of an outlier.

 Taking advantage of the fact that both our son and daughter were in the same room with us at the same time that evening ( a rare occurence ) I asked each of them the circumstances of their learning the awful truth about Mr. Kringle. It appears I hadn't been the one to break the news to either of them - luckily. Our daughter got tipped off by one of her classmates, very early on in grade school. At the time they were " bestest friends " but today she can't even recall the last time she heard anything about this tattler.

Our son claims to have sussed out the awful truth all on his own aided in part by the fact that the house we lived in at the time had no chimney so Santa couldn't get in anyhow. He never bought into the  " magic dust " explanation offered on Cheech and Chong's " Santa and His Old Lady " ( played each Christmas eve at least twice by his dad..... )

My LSBH also got clued in by a sister whom she shared a room with in those early years and who, she readily admits, was much more grounded in facts, figures and logic than she was.

Oddly enough nobody ever complained about receiving a gift from Santa even after they knew the truth.

BTW, I meant to ask you when you mentioned doing some of your Christmas shopping at Amazon, whether you had the stuff delivered by drones. Apparently Amazon are testing a drone delivery service. Pretty far out stuff!

As far as tripping the light fantastic on New Year's Eve is concerned we've always been pretty low key about that. In the last few years, I have to admit, we've let the TV screen be our window on the events of the evening.  I will admit to being curious enough each year to occasionally flip over to the U.S. networks to see if  modern technology or CGI have actually come up with a simulated or  android Dick Clark to cheerlead before us as the big crystal ball in Times Square does its glitzy descent.

Making no predictions or resolutions this year, however.

Hope your 2016 rocks, Carolyn.


All images sourced from Google Images

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