One of the problems I face in my life is too much on my plate. I'm a Gemini - rising, setting with Mercury running through the majority of my houses. My mother used to say that if I didn't have 15 irons in the fire, I was bored. And she was right. I also rarely finished anything because my interests and curiosity would overwhelm me and I'd just have to move on. I got in the habit of doing short projects just to make sure I got something accomplished. I even tried breaking big projects into smaller pieces so I had a better chance of finishing something.
I'd love to say that with age comes maturity and my interests have settled down. I'd love to be able to say that. But there are days when I feel like my time is short and there is so much more for me to experience and learn and investigate. So finding a balance has become a priority even though I feel that balance is an excuse for not changing.
For awhile I courted the idea that if I could "integrate" new projects/thoughts/ideas/experiences into my life I would be the better for it. It was a nice idea but not very practical. I ended up with two full plates and lots of unfinished business. I also ran myself into the ground health-wise. So I am back to balance.
Maybe "balance" has gotten a bad rap through the years - it gives the feeling that everything remains in status quo - not too much of this or that... everything is "just right" as little bear would say.
I've cleared my plates; now I'm down to just one very full but not over flowing plate. There isn't much room for deviations, but just enough to keep me interested. I've also linked all my interests and goals - so if I get bored with one project, I have several others to tend to that all support my overall goal. I've also chosen to work in a field that shifts and changes based on the people I work with. That keeps life interesting.
Maybe there is hope for me yet.